animlib | |
llvm | |
SeExpr2 | |
Context | |
ContextUtils | |
Curve | Interpolation curve class for double->double and double->Vec3D |
CV | |
LLVMEvaluator | |
VoronoiPointData | |
CachedVoronoiFunc | |
CurveData | |
CurveFuncX | |
CCurveFuncX | |
GetVar | |
Assign | |
Data | |
PrintFuncX | |
Data | |
ExprLocalVar | ExprLocalVar reference, all local variables in seexpr are subclasses of this or this itself |
ExprLocalVarPhi | ExprLocalVar join (merge) references. Remembers which variables are possible assigners to this |
ExprVarEnv | Variable scope for tracking variable lookup |
ExprVarEnvBuilder | Variable scope builder is used by the type checking and code gen to track visiblity of variables and changing of scopes |
ExprEvalResult | Evaluation result |
TypePrintExaminer | |
ExprVarRef | Abstract class for implementing variable references |
Expression | Main expression class |
Error | Represents a parse or type checking error in an expression |
ExprFunc | Function Definition, used in parse tree and func table |
ExprFuncStandard | |
ExprFuncX | Extension function spec, used for complicated argument custom functions |
ExprFuncSimple | |
ArgHandle | |
ExprFuncLocal | |
GlobalVal | |
GlobalFP | |
GlobalStr | |
DExpression | |
Expressions | |
ExprNode | |
ExprModuleNode | Node that contains entire program |
ExprPrototypeNode | Node that contains prototype of function |
ExprLocalFunctionNode | Node that contains local function |
ExprBlockNode | Node that computes local variables before evaluating expression |
ExprIfThenElseNode | Node that computes local variables before evaluating expression |
ExprAssignNode | Node that compute a local variable assignment |
ExprVecNode | Node that constructs a vector from three scalars |
ExprUnaryOpNode | NOde that computes with a single operand |
ExprCondNode | Node that evaluates a conditional (if-then-else) expression |
ExprSubscriptNode | Node that evaluates a component of a vector |
ExprCompareEqNode | Node that implements a numeric/string comparison |
ExprCompareNode | Node that implements a numeric comparison |
ExprBinaryOpNode | Node that implements an binary operator |
ExprVarNode | Node that references a variable |
ExprNumNode | Node that stores a numeric constant |
ExprStrNode | Node that stores a string |
ExprFuncNode | Node that calls a function |
Data | Base class for custom instance data |
ExprNodePolicy | Policy which provides all the AST Types for the parser |
ExprType | |
ADD_CONST< T, true > | |
Examiner | |
Walker | |
Promote | Promotes a FP[1] to FP[d] |
Interpreter | |
Timer | |
PrintTiming | |
VarBlock | A thread local evaluation context. Just allocate and fill in with data |
VarBlockCreator | A class that lets you register for the variables used by one or more expressions |
Ref | Internally implemented var ref used by SeExpr |
seexpr_static_assert | Static assert error case (false) |
seexpr_static_assert< true, T > | Static assert success case |
my_enable_if | Enable_if success case (can find the type TYPE) |
my_enable_if< false, T > | Enable_if failure case (substitution failure is not an error) |
static_if | Static conditional type true case |
static_if< false, T1, T2 > | Static conditional type false case |
Reducer | |
Reducer< T, 1 > | |
Reducer< T, 2 > | |
Reducer< T, 3 > | |
Reducer< T, 4 > | |
Vec | |
ControlSpec | Generic Expression control specification |
ExprScalarAssignSpec | Variable equals scalar control specification |
ExprVectorAssignSpec | Variable equals vector control specification |
ExprCurveAssignSpec | Curve assignment expression. Assignment of curve to a variable |
ExprStrSpec | |
SpecExaminer | Examiner that builds a list of specs potentially used in widgets (for qdgui) |
RandFuncX | |
Data | |
MapFuncX | |
Data | |
TriplanarFuncX | |
Data | |
SeExprInternal2 | |
DebugLock | |
AutoLock | |
_Mutex | |
_SpinLock | |
AnimCurveControl | |
AnimCurveEditable | |
BasicExpression | |
DummyFuncX | |
ScalarRef | |
VectorRef | |
CCurveControl | Control for editing a color ramp curve |
CCurveScene | |
ColorSwatchControl | A control for editing color swatches |
ColorSwatchEditable | |
CurveControl | Control for editing a normal curve ramp |
CurveGraphicsView | |
CurveScene | |
DeepWaterControl | Control for displaying a deep water spectrum |
DeepWaterEditable | |
DeepWaterGraphicsView | |
DeepWaterLineEdit | |
DeepWaterScene | |
Editable | |
EditableExpression | Factors a SeExpr into an editable expression with controls (i.e. value boxes, curve boxes) |
ExprAddDialog | This class is the UI for adding widgets |
ExprBrowser | |
ExprCBoxWidget | |
ExprChannelSlider | Channel Slider (i.e. for colors) |
ExprColorCurve | |
ExprColorFrame | |
ExprColorSwatchWidget | |
ExprColorWidget | |
ExprCompletionModel | |
ExprControl | Base class for all controls for Expressions |
ExprControlCollection | |
ExprCSwatchFrame | |
ExprCurve | |
ExprDeepWater | |
ExprDialog | |
ExprEditor | |
ExprFileDialog | |
ExprGrapherView | |
ExprGrapherWidget | |
ExprGraphPreview | |
ExprHighlighter | |
HighlightingRule | |
ExprLineEdit | Line Editor Widget(used for numbers) |
ExprPopupDoc | |
ExprPreviewWidget | |
ExprShortEdit | |
ExprShortTextEdit | |
ExprSlider | Generic Slider (used for int and float sliders) |
ExprSpecAnimCurveNode | |
ExprSpecCCurveNode | |
ExprSpecColorSwatchNode | |
ExprSpecCurveNode | |
ExprSpecDeepWaterNode | |
ExprSpecListNode | |
ExprSpecNode | Mini parse tree node... Only represents literals, and lists of literals |
ExprSpecScalarNode | |
ExprSpecStringNode | |
ExprSpecVectorNode | |
ExprTextEdit | |
ExprTreeFilterModel | |
ExprTreeItem | |
ExprTreeModel | |
GenericCurveEditable | |
llvmexpr | |
NumberControl | Number slider for either float or int data |
NumberEditable | |
SeContext | |
SeDeepWater | |
SeDeepWaterParams | |
StringControl | A control for editing strings, filenames, and directories |
StringEditable | |
VectorControl | A vector or color control (named vector because it edits a SeExpr2::Vec3d literal) |
VectorEditable | |