Usd Notice Framework  0.7.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CStageNoticeBase class for standalone PXR_NS::UsdStage notices
 CStageNoticeImplIntermediate interface using the CRTP idiom to provide factory and default merging logic
 CStageContentsChangedNotice sent when the given PXR_NS::UsdStage's contents have changed in any way
 CObjectsChangedNotice sent in response to authored changes that affect any PXR_NS::UsdObject
 CStageEditTargetChangedNotice sent when a stage's EditTarget has changed
 CLayerMutingChangedNotice sent after a set of layers have been newly muted or unmuted
 CBrokerIntermediate object between the Usd Stage and any clients that needs asynchronous handling and upstream filtering of notices
 CCapturePredicatePredicate functor which indicates whether a notice can be captured during a transaction
 CDispatcherInterface for objects emitting standalone notices triggered by incoming PXR_NS::TfNotice derived notices
 CStageDispatcherDefault dispatcher which emits UnfNotice::StageNotice derived notices corresponding to each PXR_NS::UsdNotice::StageNotice derived notice received
 CDispatcherFactoryInterface for building Dispatcher type
 CDispatcherFactoryImplTemplated factory class which creates a specific type of Dispatcher
 CNoticeTransactionConvenient RAII object to consolidate and filter notices derived from UnfNotice::StageNotice within a specific scope