.. _introduction: ************ Introduction ************ The USD Notice Framework (UNF) is built over the native :term:`Tf Notification System` in :term:`USD`, an open source extensible software platform for collaboratively constructing animated 3D scenes. It provides a :ref:`C++ ` and :ref:`Python ` API to efficiently manage the flow of notifications emitted when authoring the :term:`USD` stage. While :term:`USD` notices are delivered synchronously and tightly coupled with the sender, UNF introduces :ref:`standalone notices ` that can be used for deferred delivery and can be aggregated per notice type, when applicable. What does this solve? ===================== Pixar designed :term:`USD` as an open and extensible framework for composable data interchange across different tools. As such, it is highly optimized for that purpose. Born out of Pixar's :term:`Presto Animation` package, some application-level features were intentionally omitted to maintain speed, scalability, and robustness to support its core usage. When editing :term:`USD` data, the stage and layers produce a high volume of change notifications that can be hard to manage when crafting a performant user experience. UNF provides a framework to aggregate and even simplify change notifications across a series of edits on a :term:`USD` stage. It allows developers to build performant and sustainable interactive applications using :term:`USD` as its native data model. .. seealso:: :ref:`getting_started`