******** Glossary ******** .. glossary:: Boost Set of C++ libraries providing features complementary from the standard library. .. seealso:: https://www.boost.org/ Boost Python Component library from :term:`Boost` which is a framework for interfacing Python and C++. .. seealso:: https://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python Clang-format Tool to format C/C++ code according to a set of rules and heuristics. .. seealso:: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html CMake Compilation configuration platform that manages the build process in an operating system and in a compiler-independent manner. .. seealso:: https://cmake.org/overview/ CTest CTest is an executable that comes with :term:`CMake` which handles running the tests. .. seealso:: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/ctest.1.html Doxygen Documentation generator and static analysis tool which supports many languages, including C and C++. .. seealso:: https://doxygen.nl/ GTest Google Test is a testing and mocking framework for C++. .. seealso:: http://google.github.io/googletest/ Plug Plugin framework included with the :term:`USD` API. .. seealso:: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/api/plug_page_front.html Presto Animation Presto is the proprietary software developed and used in-house by Pixar Animation Studios in the animation of its features and short films. .. seealso:: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presto_(animation_software) Pytest Python testing framework. .. seealso:: https://docs.pytest.org/ reStructuredText Lightweight markup language. .. seealso:: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html SDF Scene Description Foundations (SDF) provides the foundations for serializing scene description and provides the primitive abstractions for interacting with it. .. seealso:: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/api/sdf_page_front.html Sphinx Python documentation generator which converts :term:`reStructuredText` files into HTML and other formats. .. seealso:: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ TBB C++ template library developed by Intel for parallel programming on multi-core processors. .. seealso:: https://oneapi-src.github.io/oneTBB/ Tf Notification System Event Notification system included in the :term:`USD` library as part of the Tool Foundations (tf) module. It follows the `Observer pattern `_. .. seealso:: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/api/page_tf__notification.html USD Universal Scene Description (USD) is a framework for interchange of 3D computer graphics data which focuses on collaboration and non-destructive editing. .. seealso:: https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/release/intro.html